Too late for market?

Not with Axelyos!

You need to get your idea to market as soon as you can! 

When the moment arrives after researching, prototyping and testing, do not hesitate to launch and seek feedback. The biggest mistake you don’t want to make is to wait for that moment when you have a perfect product before you launch. If you are convinced about your idea and have taken all the necessary steps to prove that there is a real need for it, launch it and iterate.

Keep in mind a functional product is what you need to go to market, not a perfect one.

Most startups are still learning and improving based on how customers interact and use their products.

What you need is user feedback. Your customers can help you shape your product as you grow, so take the opportunity to learn from them. The faster you can resolve your product issues through user feedback, the better your product can be to serve a bigger audience.

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